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Destra Insights

Jan 28, 2021, 9:26 AM
Preferred stocks may offer potential tax advantages for investors, with high current income both before and after taxes. Preferreds can offer this due to the fact that many of them qualify as being QDI1-eligible. This means that their dividends are taxed at the dividend tax rate, not as ordinary income.
Aug 28, 2020, 7:41 AM
What is an interval fund? In this brief article, read more about the structure, pros and cons of interval funds.
Aug 21, 2020, 1:48 PM
When searching for consistent yield and income, many investors turn to well known asset classes like dividend producing equities, government bonds and municipal bonds. Investors may be well served by also considering preferreds, when looking for stable, higher yields.
Jul 30, 2020, 7:37 AM
On June 25, the Federal Reserve released its 2020 large-bank Stress Test results. For the most part, they were as expected given the severity of the current healthcare crisis and global economic slowdown.
Jul 28, 2020, 9:08 AM
The world, in general, and healthcare investing continues to be a wild and crazy place. Of course, a good bit of this tumult derives from the Covid pandemic. The upcoming Presidential election has not contributed to settling things down either. There continue to be myriad opinions about the right path forward. We won’t articulate any particular view, but the fact is that we have to invest effectively for our shareholders in healthcare assets amidst a panoply of opinions and actions that have had a noticeable impact on sentiment and on the value of certain of the stocks which the Tekla Funds own.
Jul 7, 2020, 11:31 AM
An important key to enhancing portfolio performance and reducing risk is through more effective portfolio diversification. As the chart below shows, this can be achieved by combining asset classes that exhibit low correlations to one another.
Jun 5, 2020, 12:44 PM
In today’s age of digital technology, we are faced with a never-ending stream of bad news that often creates high levels of market uncertainty. The good news is that it creates a continuous stream of opportunities for astute bond investors to capitalize on (1) the economic cycle and (2) surprise events.
Apr 29, 2020, 10:45 AM
We’re living in strange times. The entire country has been shut down for weeks, small businesses are suffering, and unemployment has skyrocketed. Despite all the negative news, we are more bullish on community banks than we’ve been in years.
Apr 23, 2020, 1:01 PM
At the moment, the healthcare sector is operating within an extremely complicated and volatile macroenvironment. The coronavirus epidemic came on very quickly and has changed the way that America and the world function. This impact may ultimately reverse but, at best, is here for some time.
Apr 15, 2020, 11:49 AM
Closed-End Funds differ from Open-End Funds in many ways. One key difference is through pricing mechanics and terminology, such as Premium/Discount and Z-Scores.