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Destra Insights

Jan 23, 2023, 3:30 PM
2022 was the year that broke the 60/40 portfolio. Hear from Jake Schultz, CFA on this edition of the pathfinder where he discusses the traditional 60/40 portfolio and how it stacked up to prevailing headwinds in 2022.
Jan 20, 2023, 3:30 PM
The market and a lot of pundits are suggesting that the Fed may pull back to a more traditional 25 bps increase at their first meeting here in a few weeks. But even if they do pull back to a 25 basis point increase, it is still an increase. And arent rising rates supposed to be bad for bonds? Well, looking back at 2022 that certainly seemed to be the case.
Jan 6, 2023, 3:30 PM
2022 is in the history books and good riddance! Most of us will be happy, both personally and financially to put last year far in the rearview mirror. Record-breaking, inflation, soaring interest rates, an old-style dictator rolling tanks across Europe, and funny money crypto platforms going up in smoke; all were factors in the terrible performance of both stocks and bonds in 2022. Listen today for some more interesting insights on 2022 and a roadmap for 2023.